Event: 2-Day Workshop: A Foundation in Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
Facilitator: Liz Kingsnorth.
Venue: Walpole Hall, (next to St Mary’s Cathedral), Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AW.
Dates: Saturday 8 - Sunday 9 September 2018.
Time: Registration: 9.30am-10am. Retreat Days: 10am-5pm.
Event Description: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there”. - Rumi.
Most of us are hungry for skills that can improve the quality of our relationships. We also long to contribute to a more peaceful world. We have been educated from childhood to compete, judge, criticise, demand and diagnose, ie to think in terms of what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ with people, and this is reflected in the language we use. It often leads to misunderstanding, blaming others or ourselves, unsatisfying relationships or conflict.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is based on the principles of nonviolence -- the natural state of compassion when no violence is present in the heart. It was developed by international peace-builder Marshall Rosenberg.
It offers clear, learnable processes for personal development and social change, enabling people to communicate with respect, compassion and integrity. Importantly, NVC is effective and reliable under pressure, whether the other person also knows the process or not!
This 2-day workshop will cover the core concepts, consciousness and skills of NVC. It will be experiential, offering you plenty of practical opportunities to develop awareness and apply learning to your own life situations, personal, social or professional. You will leave with the ability to start incorporating NVC in your daily interactions.
Examples of what you will gain
Enhanced ability to:
identify clearly what is contributing to misunderstandings
receive others with empathy and understanding, even when they express themselves in a hostile manner
communicate that empathy in a way that is both sensitive and robust
respond without reactions of hurt, defensiveness or blame
maintain compassionate self-connection
be honest without hurting or insulting
express without judgment, accusation or demand
make clear requests that are more likely to be accepted
choose actions that are in harmony with each others’ needs and values
manage conflict skillfully - as opportunities to build connection.
Learning NVC with Liz is supportive, challenging, moving and fun!
“Sharing NVC brings me joy! I love its liberating blend of rigour with lightness, and the astonishing change it can bring to relationships and communities, and to our understanding of how we tick. I find this approach has a natural affinity with my longtime meditation practice of Heartfulness.
I have been a certified NVC trainer since 2003 and had my own organizational consultancy and coaching/counseling practice for about 25 years.
After being based in Chennai, India for the past decade, working with a large spiritual and educational community, I am now back in Edinburgh offering retreats and workshops, and relishing my garden. Plus whizzing off from time to time to have adventures with my four heavenly grandchildren in Australia!”
Cost: £100/£80 (Concessions). For a Registration Form:
Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0131 331 4469.