Visit to Edinburgh by Vishwaguruji Swami Maheshwarananda,  2-3 September 2016

YOGA – for the body and beyond... | EDINBURGH | 2-3 SEPTEMBER 2016
With His Holiness Vishwaguruji Swami Maheshwarananda and Yoga in Daily Life
Hosted by Yoga in Daily Life Scotland (Scottish Charity: SC041371) in association with Yoga in Daily Life-UK and Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Scottish Charity, SC038996.

For the past 45 years Vishwaguru Swamiji Maheshwarananda has travelled throughout the world, tirelessly spreading the philosophy, science and techniques of Yoga Vedanta according to the teachings of his masters from India, which he has developed into the system known as Yoga in Daily Life.

Yoga in Daily Life is based in authentic tradition and designed to be accessible to people of all levels of fitness, interest and ability. With eight levels of yoga asanas, as well as self-inquiry meditation, and pranayama breathing techniques, it is a comprehensive system, which reaches beyond the physical exercises of yoga to enhance the health and well-being of body, mind and soul at all stages of life.

We are delighted to host Vishwaguruji's visit to Scotland and invite you to take this precious opportunity to receive practical and spiritual guidance from such a beloved and respected teacher at this Edinburgh event. Vishwaguruji will explain and illustrate the many facets of yoga with stories, discourse, inspiration and practice. You are welcome to attend any or all of the programmes.

Friday Greenside Parish Church

7pm - Registration

7.30pm - Public Talk with Vishwaguruji

Saturday Calton Centre

9am - Yoga Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation

10.30am - Morning session with Vishwaguruji

12 noon - vegan lunch

1pm - break

2.30pm - Yoga Nidra, Asanas and Pranayama

4.30pm - break

6pm - vegan dinner for day workshop participants

7pm - Evening session with Vishwaguruji

Bookings & Information:

Please book in advance to reserve your place, and to assist with numbers for catering, thank you.
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Proceeds go towards Yoga in Daily Life humanitarian projects, thank you.

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