Event: 2-Day Retreat: The Journey from the Mind to the Heart:
learning from the wisdom of the Christian mystics.
Facilitator: Liz Watson.
Venue: Skye Room, Gillis Centre, 100 Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, EH9 1BB.
Dates: Saturday 17 - Sunday 18 September 2016.
Time: Registration: 9.30am-10am. Retreat Days: 10am-5pm.
Event Description: Meister Eckhart, 14th century German mystic, considered the journey from the mind to the heart the longest journey any human being could undertake, but also the only journey really worth making. During these two days we will draw from the wisdom of the Christian mystics as we reflect on some of the paradoxes of travelling in the realm of the heart: self-knowledge and self-forgetfulness, discipline and freedom, suffering and joy, solitude and unity, contemplation and action.
The weekend will weave together talks, periods of meditation, movement in stillness, reflection in solitude and in common.
Liz Watson, born in 1951, became interested in the Christian mystical tradition after returning to Christianity and beginning to meditate in her early forties. Previously she had pursued a career in public libraries after graduating from Manchester University. She has since studied for an MA in Theology writing her dissertation on ‘Theology and Joy’. She is a member of The World Community for Christian Meditation (www.wccm.org), teaching, leading retreats and as a spiritual director. She recently contributed two chapters to the book ‘Journey to The Heart’ and recorded a CD of short talks, ‘Images of Meditation’.
Cost: £100/£80 (Concessions).
Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 0131 331 4469.