Edinburgh Hogmanay Kirtan Celebration:
Intoxication Free, Children friendly celebration of New Year's Eve.

Organisers: Jointly organised by the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Scottish Charity, SC038996, Scotland Kirtan and ISKCON Scotland, Scottish Charity, SC001127.
Venue: Old Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Hall, 39 Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1DH.
Date: Wednesday 31 December 2014.
Time: 8pm-12pm.
Event description: We are delighted to invite you to a unique alternative celebration of Hogmanay in Edinburgh. It is a wonderful opportunity to experience New Year's eve in a different way - with joy, fun, bliss and free from intoxication and hangover. The event is children friendly. The programme includes Kirtan, Children's programme, Meditation, Music, Dance, Celebration, Try a Sari or Turban, Henna Tattoos, Face Painting and Vegan Meal.

Children need to be accompanied by a parent or by a guardian.

About Kirtan: KIRTAN (pronounced keertan) is an ancient participatory enchanting mantra music experience. One of the oldest sacred music traditions of the world, the kirtan call-and-response chanting genre comes to us from India. Using ancient Sanskrit mantras to the accompaniment of instruments, the kirtan calls upon sacred energies which serve to quiet the mind, remove inauspicious things from the heart, to bring us back to the centre of our own identity and awaken divine peace and love within us. It is the yoga of sound.

The word “mantra” means to deliver (tra) the mind (mana), and it is one of the easiest methods to use. The mantra itself, depending on which one used, often incorporates a vibrational formula to call various energies or powers to oneself, or to awaken one to higher states of awareness, perception and realization.
Kirtan is a spiritual journey: usually starting off with a slow tempo, gradually building up to euphoric crescendos bringing with it the concomitant emotions of joy and elation. The captivating nature of the melodious tunes fused with the eclectic blend of instruments induces the heart with deep sentiments and enlivens the self to profound levels of delight.
All can participate in this chanting, the more participants, the greater the efficacy. Whether one is musically gifted or hasn’t got a rhythmical inclination, not considering caste, creed, colour, religious background or gender; all unite through the medium of this musical experience, transcending the mundane platform and transporting them to a spiritual realm.
Vegan food will be served.
Cost: suggested donation £5. Everyone Welcome.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 07726688778.

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