Online Zoom Conference: Shamanic Practice and Expressions.

Date: Sunday 23 March 2025.
Time: 5pm-8.30pm (UK time).


Format: There will be five talks, each of 25-30 minutes, followed by discussion among the speakers and the chair, followed by Q & A.



Phyllida Anam-Áire:

Phyllida Anam-Áire is a grandmother, a former Irish nun, author, poet and therapist.

She has worked extensively with the sick and dying and has just finished her 5th book.

Now at 80 years of age, she is truly in love with her beautiful life and grateful for it too.

Phyllida lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Foteini Fotoula Adrimi:

Title: Soul Retrieval – Mending the Fragmented Self Through Shamanic Healing.

Description: What happens when we experience deep trauma, accidents, and dissociation, and lose connection with our essence, our soul? How can we fully live our life when we cannot access our light?

Shamans perform soul retrieval work by retrieving the soul essence we have lost in past events and bring it back into our body, in the present. In the shamanic paradigm, we have the opportunity to realise that life is a huge gift to be honoured and cherished. In this talk Fotoula will share teachings on soul retrieval and her experiences with thousands of clients and students over 18 years of practice.

Further resources: The Golden Book of Wisdom – ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times by Fotoula Adrim.

Bio: Foteini Fotoula Adrimi, BA(Hons) MSc, is the director of The ISIS School of Holistic Health, an international school of earth-based shamanic training. Originally a town-planner, graduate of the Sorbonne, Fotoula, rediscovered her passion for shamanism in 2006. After studying as a shamanic practitioner in core shamanism, she completed a two-year teacher training with Sandra Ingerman and has been teaching shamanic practitioners ever since. She has received teachings and transmissions, and taken part in ceremonies, with both western and indigenous shamans, Tibetan Lamas and medicine people (Tibet, Nepal, Native American, Mexican). She has been studying Himalayan shamanism with Bhola Banstola since 2014 and now co-organises Bhola’s workshops in Scotland. Fotoula has retrieved ancient indigenous ceremonies and shamanic stories and teachings from her living elders and ancestral spirits in Greece.

Fotoula teaches shamanic practitioner training, ancestral shamanic healing, the Priestess of the Moon celebrant training, the Ancient Egyptian Mystery school path, the Rays of Divine Consciousness spiritual practices and Past Life Regression Therapy. Her work focuses on soul evolution and soul healing.  

Fotoula works in Glasgow, Scotland. Her first book, an Amazon UK bestseller, “The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times” is an epitome of spiritual learning. Her second book Sacred Mysticism of Egypt by O-Books became a No1 hot release on pre-order on Amazon UK.

Andrew Steed:

Title: In the Betwixt and the Between, Working with the Unseen.

Description: Plucking the three strands of poetry and dancing the song of Amrun are indigenous medicine ways that are part of a ‘Celtic’ evolutionary journey. It will be a delight to share the power of DragonSong, in our tradition known as Amrun, and the importance of transmuting sorrow into authentic joy and peace. This multidimensional song that whistles through our hollow bones is part of our past, part of our present, and has the power to shape our future.

Bio: Andrew Steed is an international shamanic teacher who has led 79 pilgrimages to the nemetons of these Isles, he has led the Wild Hunt for the last twenty years in 7 countries around the world and has written several books on his shamanic pathway and the Faerie world.


Title: The Way of the Seábhean: Cetlic Medicine.

Description: Is there a FUTURE in the PAST?  

Join Anáire around the hearth as she draws on Ancient Indigenous practices that were carried out by her ancestors.  This is an invitation to explore the wisdom of the Elders and how we can ground the practice and expressions into the current timeline.  Anáire believes by bringing forth the Medicine, she is able to enhance her own Wellbeing in addition to the Wellbeing of her Community.  

Bio: Anáire is a Shamanic Practitioner who is apprentice with Phyllida Anam Áire in Watching with the Dying and Travelling with the Dead.  With a background in Nursing and Therapy, she has worked extensively with the ill and the dying for nearly three decades.   

Devoted to her own healing and integration journey, Anáire continues to do her inner work daily and believes Nature plays a vital role as a loving container. 

Rooting herself in the wisdom of the “Teachings of the Cauldron” and Celtic Consciousness.  

Naoise Galvin:

Title: The Way of the Natural Shaman.

Description: I will share about the Shaman and Seabhean in my lineage, an exploration in community initiation versus certification.

Bio: Naoise Galvin is a guide in the healing arts from Cork, Ireland. As a mother, writer, Clinical Sound Therapist and Community Herbalist. Naoise’s work is rooted in deep compassion and a commitment to healing. Naoise is passionate about trauma-sensitive practices and supporting individuals through Grief and Stress management.

As Founder of Golden Space, Naoise creates spaces of Ceremony, Community and Connection  - collaborating with experts, elders and wisdom keepers to offer Sound and Somatic Movement Experiences, Rest and Ritual Retreats, Rite of Passage Work and Community Grief Rituals - supporting the return to our natural state of enchantment.

Guided by a deep respect for ancestral wisdom and earth-based practices passed down through her lineage, especially by her grandfather, Medicine Man, Michael Galvin.

Brian Anderson:

Title: Shamanic Practice and Expressions.

Description: I was told by a mentor very early on in my healing journey to find a practical spirituality, one that supports and helps you in your everyday life.

Shamanism has become that for me, both a practical method and effective practice to support and live life from a more connected and authentic place, a process that continues each day in a dedicated way.

In a world that never made sense to me, Shamanism along with being with the natural world has helped me cope with the disconnect and brutality of the world I grew up in.

More than that it has opened a path of Alchemy where my wounds and conditioning dissolve to actually serve life and as it always was intended to live a life that “works”.

My talk will share something with you of the journey I have been on now for 19 years and how it has changed, challenged and helped me engage with beauty and kindness while enabling me to trust my own unique nature’s contribution in and to the world.

The only way I know to do this is with sharing personal stories and experiences with you so that they come alive and my journey with Shamanism has certainly been about living a lived life and continues to do!

Bio: Brian has a background in counselling and psychology since 1999 graduating from the University of West of England. While no academic Brian is a published author writing on topics of Shamanism, earth based connection and the opportunities that come with death.

In 2006 as part of his ongoing personal spiritual and healing journey he encountered Shamanism which he loved and remembered instantly, while Shamanism seemed to love and remember him just as much.

Since then, he has worked with both individuals and groups offering Shamanism as a way of healing, guidance and problem solving. He has taught the art of Shamanism both within the UK and Internationally.

The combination of these healing arts he sees as bringing a grounded, compassionate and effective space. Here people open to remember and return ever closer to their true authentic nature and the unique gifts this holds to share with themselves, their families and their communities.

This journey has and continues to be a lifelong path for Brian, a path of Alchemy. In finding resolutions to wounds and traumas a way has been found to offer this healing path in service to others and life itself with compassion, understanding and an absolute trust in the healing process.

I am really interested in creating spaces for each of us to find our place within the circle of life as who we authentically are unlearning the bounds of a society that does not serve life, while serving that society from our authentic heart that can only serve life.

Today Brian works with both Shamanism and the Tarot as a therapy to facilitate this process and I feel that drawing and working with these healing arts brings a deep connection to life and a lived life.



An archive recording will be made for the EICSP archive.

NB: There will be no refund if you cancel your booking.


Cost: By Donation:
Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Account Name: Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace
Bank: Bank of Scotland
Bank Address: Edinburgh Royal Mile Branch
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