Online Zoom Forum: A Dialogical Inquiry: Spirituality and Our Quiet Resolve -
Essencing and Presencing Our Professing.
Wednesday 15 January 2025.
Time: 7pm-9pm (UK time).
Format: There will be five talks, each of 12 minutes, followed by 20 minutes of discussion among the speakers and the chair, followed by Q & A.
An opportunity to reflect on ‘being professional together’, as authentic self-identifying professionals, with an emphasis on the ‘being' - on really deeply being, and on the related ‘togethering’ - the ‘we’ as much as the ‘I’. With a curiosity around not simply ‘the what’ or ‘the how’ - but with the why in our how in relation to the what that is, literally, of the essence... in what/how/why we profess..
Conceived as an adventurous exploration of the interface between the spiritual and the professional, as experienced by exquisitely discerning professionals in their everyday practice. Informed by a particular interest in the essencing and presencing of their professing - well beyond standard professionalism and professionalization - from the depths of their Self, Soul and Spirit. Expressing perhaps what might be regarded as their ‘quiet resolve’ - manifested in elements of a personal praxis, beyond mere practice, and an interpersonal co-created ethos, beyond mere codified ethics.
The hopeful intention is to very much privilege the professing - its related personal sense-making and collective meaning-making - with an emphasis on the public inside-out professing, individually and collectively, of operative secular ‘articles of faith’, actively honouring the etymological roots (pro- and fess-). The related essencing, or prof-essencing, is envisaged as an embodying and enacting of an associated resolute presencing, combating problematic absencing, in pursuit of a potential ever-more-whole-making.
The forum is envisaged as a dialogical inquiry valuing a mix of reflective and generative dialogue, with the conversation spanning a sequenced concern with divergence, emergence and convergence.
Each presenter will be invited to first contribute to what is hoped will be a diverse range of perspectives, welcoming divergence and differentiation. Having actively listened to the opening offerings, each presenter will then have an opportunity to creatively articulate what new perspectives might be emerging for themselves (exploring what’s emerging reflectively). Again, after more active listening, each presenter will have an opportunity to seed some deliberative convergence, around potential co-created, co-generated new insights and new meaning, towards some helpful integration.
An archive recording will be made for the EICSP archive.
NB: There will be no refund if you cancel your booking.
Cost: By Donation:
Contact: Neill Walker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you are having a difficulty paying by Paypal, then you can pay by bank transfer instead.
NB: you must also email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can send you the Zoom sign-in details.
Here are the bank transfer details:
Account Name: Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace
Bank Address: Edinburgh Royal Mile Branch
Account Number: 06131159
Sort Code: 802000
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The IBAN number is as follows:
GB70 BOFS 8020 0006 1311 59